Thursday, November 5, 2009

Last in this Trilogy - Bowling

OK readers, followers, and/or lurkers: who is Billy Golembiewski?  I am a bad bowler.  I was in a bowling league back in the late eighties, before I got married, at Eden Lanes.  Our team was sponsored by a tavern in Berwyn, IL (were I was born) called Uppities.  We sucked.  But - man, a Thursday night bowling league (lasting what felt like 58 weeks per year) sure made Fridays at work extra brutal.  So here's to our terrific team captain Greg, and also fellow teammates: Bo, Eric, Rickie, and our trusty subs Anj and Ron - what a team!  Uh oh  - Watermelon shots!

1 comment:

  1. If we only had this record back in the day - we would have been a better team! Remember the slogan..."Don't let the bowling interfere with your drinking".


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