Barry White - Can't Get Enough. Damn right, can't get enough. I can't get enough of this dude's records. I have five of them now. I bought this one last weekend at my new secret store for just fifty cents. The newspaper I read at lunch on weekdays costs me .75 cents. Do the math. This one has a great cover - but that day, I also scored another Barry White record, called simply, The Man. That record jacket is styled after a party or wedding invitation, with a wax seal and a fold-over envelope. But besides that it's plain. Barry White - arranger, producer, and engineer. Can't Get Enough is Barry's third record, out in 1974. In 2003, the album was ranked a whopping no. 281 on Rolling Stone magazin's list of the top 500 albums of all time. We lost Barry in July 2003.
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