Saturday, June 11, 2011

Jethro Tull: Standing Up

What a great surprise!  This single-record album opens up and this pop up display pops up.  I've not seen that before on a record album.  This is Jethro Tull's Stand Up.  Stand Up is their second album and before this album, Tull's first or original guitar player Mick Abrhams left over musical differences with founder Ian Anderson.  I saw Tull a few years ago at a free outdoor concert at Chicago's Preillo Band Shell - right in Grant Park - which is separated from Lake Michigan by Lake Shore Drive.  Stand Up is the first album where Anderson runs the whole show.  It's also the first Tull album with guitarist Martin Barre, who will appear on every future Jethro Tull album.  The song you know best here is an instrumental called "Bourée" is a cover of a Bach piece called Bouree in E Minor.  The album reached #1 on the British charts.  The gatefold album cover, in a woodcut style designed by artist James Grashow, originally opened up similar to a child's pop-up book, so that a cut-out of the band's personnel stood up — linking into the album's title.  Stand Up won New Musical Express's award for best album artwork in 1969.  Tull is playing at WDRV's 10th annual, free listener appreciation party.

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