Friday, October 8, 2010

Tumbleweed Connection: Elton John

My pal Greg would tell you that Tumbleweed Connection is Elton John's best album.  That is quite a statement.  The opened cover photo is sparse; set in a sepia tone brown.  The inside jacket show four large photo head shot of Elton and Bernie of course - but also Paul Buckmaster (Arranger) and Gus Dudgeon, my second all-time favorite record producer.  The right side of the inner jacket says it was recorded at Trident Studios.  This record is from 1970 - can that really be 40 years ago?  Davey Johnston had not yet joined the band, as Caleb Quaye is credited for Lead and accoustic guitars.  Not a coincidence, since this record has a country feel - but two songs have Father in the tile and two others have the word Gun in the titles.  Just his 3rd record - my favorite songs on it are:  Where to Now St. Peter? and Burn Down the Mission.  On the Two Rooms all-cover CD, Sting does a touching rendition of Come Down in Time.

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