Friday, June 8, 2012

Bob Welch - got gypped out of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. My new Rules.

In 1998, when Fleetwood Mac was inducted into The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Bob Welch was not at not invited to the ceremony, nor was he inducted as being part of the band - even though he recorded five albums with them.  Many astute fans, (now with his passing, even more bitter - including this blogger), thought that exclusion is/was emotionally cheap of the band.  Rock and roll is a big tent, but as we all know - just follow the money - there is always a back $tory.  I can't find any supporting material on the reason why Mick Fleetwood and/or John McVie (others?) would purposefully prevent Bob from enjoying that honor.  It is documented (5 records) that Bob was an important contributor to early 70's version of Fleetwood Mac.  OK - so he was not part of the Monster version of the band.  But on youtube - one guy wrote this moments ago: "Mick, if you ever read this, Bob saved your band when Peter Green freaked.  Bob should be in the (RNR) Hall of Fame w/ FM.  Make it right Mick, do it as a lasting memory to Bob and his family."  In fact, when Bob did exit FM, it took two people to replace him, so he's got that going for him.  Which is nice.  The RNR HOF rules of inclusion should be changed to this: the band being inducted does not necessarily get to choose who among them gets to go into the Hall.  For example: Don Felder (who wrote there biggest hit) is on the outs with the Eagles.  What if the Eagles said no, we don't want him going in with us.  A senior council (Jan Wenner, Artie Kornfeld, Jerry Moss, et al.) would correct things and would get the final word on who, in any particular band, would get to go in.  This would be ideal for bands with huge fissures and recurring lawsuits like Guns n Roses, Van Halen, the Beach Boys.  Any others?  We'd call it the Don Felder Rule.  And here is post on French Kiss, a post from 3 years ago, on Tuesday, July 7, 2009. 


  1. Maybe Mick's jealous of the women on Welch's solo album covers! Really, your point is totally valid.

  2. On those 5 lp's, you notice Bob Welch's style on all the better songs, must be some kind of really personal issue they did not include him, sad. I know when I still reach for those lp's, I am reaching in my mind for Bob Welch, not Fleetwood Mac. Can't even listen to some of the later albums, long live Bob Welch!!!


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